The building at Arrigo Cavaglieri street where two people suspected to be infected with Coronavirus COVID-19 disease were found in Rome, Italy, 07 April 2020. Italian Police and Army have isolated the so called Selame Palace, a building occupied on the outskirts of Rome, after two suspected cases of coronavirus are found among the occupiers. On site are the army, which has isolated the building, and the police for surveillance during the start of the health tests. According to the law enforcement authorities, about 600 people live in the building in Via Arrigo Cavaglieri alla Romanina, mostly migrants. ANSA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI

Coronavirus, oggi 174 casi e 22 morti

Sono 174 oggi i nuovi contagiati da Coronavirus, stabili rispetto a ieri quando erano stati 175.

Il numero totale dei casi sale così a 240.310.

Oltre la metà dei nuovi positivi al Covid (97) in Lombardia; segue l’Emilia Romagna (+21).

In aumento invece le vittime dopo le 8 di ieri: sono state 22, 13 delle quali in Lombardia. Complessivamente i morti salgono a 34.738.

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