epa05013901 Airline passengers queue at check-in counters at Sharm el-Sheikh airport, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, 06 November 2015. Airlines will begin flying stranded British tourists home 06 November after the government in London permitted flights from Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh resort to resume. Earlier, British Prime Minister David Cameron maintained that the crash of a Russian passenger jet, which killed 224 people in Egypt, was 'more likely than not' caused by a bomb, despite Russian and Egyptian leaders' calls for all sides to await results of an official investigation. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI

Sinai, rimpatriati 35 mila turisti russi

I turisti russi rimpatriati con voli speciali dall’Egitto sono in totale 35.000. Lo fa sapere il ministro dei Trasporti russo, Maksim Sokolov, citato dall’agenzia Interfax.

Circa Roberto Cristiano


Conferenza sulla solidarietà europea ad Arad, Romania

Per due giorni, il 4 e 5 settembre, la città di Arad, sita nell’ovest della …

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